Kia ora, Talofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orāna, Bula, Namaste, Nǐ hǎo, Welcome!

We are proud to announce that Kidz First will be hosting the 76th Annual Meeting of Te Kāhui Mātai Arotamariki o Aotearoa in Manukau, ki Taamaki Makaurau, Auckland from  4 - 7 November 2025 at Due Drop Events Centre.

Counties Manukau is home to many vibrant and diverse communities. The kaupapa for the 76th Annual Meeting centres around honouring our cultures and celebrating our communities. 

Ka koa te puuriri i te kata o te manu, ka koa te manu I te kata o te puuriri
The bird’s delight brings joy to the puuriri tree, the puuriri’s delight brings joy to the bird

This whakataukii tells the story of our kaupapa, celebrating the safe shelter that the puuriri tree provides to a diverse collection of birds, supporting them to thrive together.  

The three day conference will aim to deliver a robust academic programme, whilst also taking the opportunity to centre and uplift the diverse communities in which our tamariki grow and flourish. 

Academic themes for the conference will include indigenous child health, youth health, gender affirming healthcare, vaccine preventable diseases, refugee child health, respiratory health, rheumatic fever, advocacy.. and more! 

The RACP Montgomery Spencer Memorial Lecture will be delivered by Dame Teuila Percival, South Auckland Paediatrician and Pacific Child Health advocate. We are also delighted to confirm our Mayo Clinic international speaker, Dr Robert Jacobson, from Minnesota who specialises in Adolescent Medicine, Epidemiology and in vaccine preventable diseases (with a focus on RSV). We are also confirming international speakers with expertise in indigenous (Aboriginal) child health.

We are also excited to deliver an exciting entertainment programme, allowing plenty of opportunities to catch up with colleagues from around the motu. Welcome drinks will be held at Due Drop Event Centre in Manukau on Wednesday 5th November. The conference dinner will be held at the beautiful Fale O Samoa in Maangere on Thursday 6th November. Join us for a unique cultural celebration in the heart of South Auckland. 

In your spare time take the opportunity to have some fun. The Wero Whitewater Park and Rainbow’s End are both walking distance from the conference venue. We also highly recommend a trip to the beautiful Auckland Botanic Gardens. In keeping with the theme of honouring our cultures and celebrating our communities, there will also be optional activities to connect with local cultural and community groups.

Nau mai, haere mai ki Taamaki Makarau. On behalf of the Kidz First team we warmly welcome our Paediatric colleagues to Manukau, for what will be a vibrant and memorable conference. 

Drs Sonja Farthing and Gabrielle Ali 
Co-convenors for the 76th Annual Meeting, Te Kāhui Mātai Arotamariki o Aotearoa

For all conference enquiries please contact:

Melanie Robinson
Project Coordinator
 +64 211 30289

Paula Armstrong
Project Manager
  +64 27 649 2081