NZSHS Scholarships

Applications for funding assistance to attend NZSHS Conference in Christchurch are now Closed.
Applicants will be notified of their application and outcome on Monday 19 August 2024.

The New Zealand Sexual Health Society (NZSHS) is a group of professionals working or interested in the field of sexual health. The NZSHS was established for educational and charitable purposes within New Zealand. To support its educational objectives, NZSHS organizes an annual conference, which includes an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and an academic programme.

 The NZSHS is committed to developing the sexual health workforce in Aotearoa/New Zealand by offering scholarships to the annual conference. The objective is to promote the participation, skills-building and visibility of scholarship recipients who might not otherwise be able to attend.

 There are 10 scholarships available for the 45th annual NZSHS conference 18 and 19 October 2024.

The scholarship will cover the cost of conference registration and a $450.00 travel/accommodation allowance for those applicants located outside a 1 hour drive from Christchurch. Applicants must cover any additional travel, accommodation, and other costs.

 We require all scholarship applicants to choose one of 3 activities should you be successful:  

1.        I have submitted an abstract accepted as presenting author for an oral or poster presentation

2.        I will help the conference organisers promote the Aotearoa Statement by engaging delegates and promoting resources at the                 conference

3.        I feel by attending conference that I will be able to improve my work practice (please detail in your application below how you               see yourself doing this.)

Priority will be given to people who are:

·                Working in health promotion

·                Māori or Pacific ethnicity

·                Working with Māori, Pacific, youth, MSM, transgender, LGBTIQ populations

Successful applicants will also be required to complete a post-Conference brief online survey, to provide feedback about their experience, and a link will be emailed after the Conference.

 Applications must be received by 12.00pm on Wednesday 31 July to be eligible for consideration. Individual applicants will be notified of their application and outcome on Monday 19 August 2024.