Message from the Chief Executive
The need to address climate change has never been greater.
As we continue to head towards critical dates such as 2030 and 2050, it seems the actions we’ll need to take to curb warming are becoming more pronounced as well as more urgent. Almost every day, we see examples of the impact of warming temperatures from around the world, whether it be rising sea levels, melting ice, droughts, floods or hurricanes. Of course, New Zealand is not immune, as we have seen in recent times.
Climate change remains at the top of corporate agendas and the CEP conference remains the best, single place to engage with experts in efficiency and decarbonisation best practice. It has become the premier event for practitioners and influencers to hone their knowledge and maintain their understanding of what’s out there to help them do their critical, and ever more influential, jobs better.
We encourage attendance by keeping delegate fees low and, with our growing reputation, we are able to select only the best papers for inclusion. The influence of the event is now such that we have to decline over half the papers submitted. The result is a conference without peer, highly satisfied delegates in a learning atmosphere where people are open to new ideas, products and ways of doing things. Year on year we hear our conference is the best and the best value. That is something we are striving to maintain in 2025.
2025 will see the Conference return to Auckland for the first time since 2018 and we’re looking forward to our biggest city furnishing a record attendance. We will be hosting the event at the Grand Millennium on 27th and 28th May.
You can see some highlights of the last event on the links below and, if you need budget approval to attend, there’s a template to help convey the benefits of you, and colleagues, being there.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Mike Hopkins
Chief Executive Officer
For all conference enquiries please contact: