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When you share your personal data with us, we treat it with care and take our responsibility to protect it seriously. We have updated our privacy notice to communicate how we handle your personal data.

In line with Europe’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we would like to be completely transparent regarding how we collect, store, use and secure your personal data. We are committed to protecting the privacy of all personal data you provide us for registration at this training. The following statements describe what we are doing with your data and how long we store it so you are fully informed prior to submitting your personal information for this conference registration.

Contact Details of the Data Controller
ForumPoint2 Limited and Client
PO Box 11074
Hamilton 3251


Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer
Rhonda Beasley
ForumPoint2 Limited
PO Box 11074
Hamilton 3251

Contact Details of the Data Administrators
Paula Armstrong
ForumPoint2 Limited
PO Box 11074
Hamilton 3251

Purpose for Processing Personal Data
We are processing your personal data to facilitate your registration at this training. Primarily we will use this data to communicate, support and market to you in regard to The Paediatric Society of New Zealand Te Kāhui Mātai Arotamariki o Aotearoa Annual Meeting 2024.

Other Third Parties That May Have Access to Your Personal Data
Your data will be shared with other organisations and third parties in order to process and streamline your registration. These may include:

·        Host Client and Organising Committee
·        Microsoft Azure
·        Ecommerce Providers
·        Hotel where you reserved accommodation
·        Exhibition Build Company
·        Catering Organisations
·        Audio-visual Company
·        Transport – Taxi/Corporate Cabs / Buses
·        Pre/Post conference Organising Company
·        Sponsors and Exhibitors
·        Workshop Co-ordinators / Facilitators
·        Master of Ceremonies
·        Other Attendees
·        Other third parties that are required to facilitate your attendance at this conference.

In a separate section of the online registration form, ‘Privacy – List of Participants’, you can choose whether to have your details included in the event List of Participants. If you opt in for this, your details will also be shared with:

·        Meeting delegates, sponsors and exhibitors
·        Organisers of future Paediatric Society of New Zealand Te Kāhui Mātai Arotamariki o Aotearoa Annual Meetings

How Long Will The Personal Data Be Stored?
Your personal data will be retained by us for up to 3 years after the conclusion of the event.


The Right To Inquire About Your Personal Data
You have the right to ask about your personal data at any time. Please contact us at paula@fp2.co.nz with any queries you may have.

You Have The Right To Withdraw Your Consent
You have the right to withdraw consent for us to use your personal data at any time.

·        Please be aware that a withdrawal of consent before the start of this event means we will have to remove your personal details from the event database. Unfortunately, this may preclude you from attending the event as we do need to store your personal details for multiple  event related purposes.

·        If you wish to withdraw consent before the start of this event will incur a full cancellation fee as per the terms as stated on the conference website.

Please contact us at paula@fp2.co.nz with any inquiries you may have.

The Right To Forget and Anonymise Your Personal Details
You retain the right to request that we forget or anonymise your personal data. If you attended any conference with ForumPoint2 we will retain any financial, tax or event attendance records for reporting reasons and to comply with the Inland Revenue Department requirements. We will, however, remove all personal data from our database leaving an “anonymised” record for reporting reasons.
